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Three sisters livin the prime life. Sharing our fav Amazon finds with all of you.

Rockit Baby Products

I would have killed for some of these baby products when I had my little babies. Anything to help them sleep longer!

This Portable Rocker is genius! It can attach to anything and provides the rocking motion that babies love!

Woossh is a portable sound machine that is super small. It has 8 different sound and can be attached anywhere.

The Zed is really cool too! You can put it in their crib and it will send vibrations through the mattress to help sooth your babe. It also can double as a night light!

Bonblissity Candy Sugar Scrub

Bonblissity Candy Sugar Scrub

Poppy & Pout Natural Lip Balm

Poppy & Pout Natural Lip Balm
