Baby Registry Guide — The Lovin Sisters
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Three sisters livin the prime life. Sharing our fav Amazon finds with all of you.

Baby Registry Guide
  1. Knit Swaddle Blanket: These stretchy knit swaddle blankets are all I use when my babies are little. The knit stretch fabric helps them stay swaddled and doesn’t let little arms easily escape.

  2. Grow With Baby High Chair: A high chair that grows with baby is a must! It may feel like a splurge at first but this one will last for years and years and through multiple kids!

  3. Honest Baby Bundle: Honest Baby Wash and Lotion is my favorite to use on my babies. It has clean ingredients so you can feel good about using it on your little one.

  4. Oogiebear: This is the best little tool to use for cleaning out babies ears and nose! It may seem silly but I promise it comes in handy and I still use it now on my toddler!

  5. Hatch Baby Sound Machine: This sound machine is one of the best baby items out there. You will use this with your babe well into the toddler years. It has so many great features and can be controlled from an app on your phone and even help with sleep training.

  6. Bumbo With Tray: We have used our bumbo chair probably more than anything other baby item. I love using it for feeding and for play time or just when you need your hands free. We now use it for my 2.5 year old on one of our barstools now as a booster without the the tray!

  7. Baby Björn Carrier: I love our baby Björn carrier and the love that it can be used with tiny infants up to the toddler years! They come in so many different cute colors and styles too!

  8. Nose Aspirator: A nose aspirator is a life saver with a sick little babe. This one is amazing and has different settings so you know it is safe for baby and won’t hurt their little nostrils!

  9. Bibs Binky: These bibs binky’s are my most favorite. They come in all the best colors, are adorable and come in different sizes.

  10. Hooded Baby Towel: These darling towels are so soft and come in so many cute colors. I love having more than one baby towel because babies tend to have accidents on them often and that way I don’t have to worry about it always being clean.

  11. Maxi Cosi Travel System: Maxi Cosi products have amazing reviews and don’t totally break the bank. This travel system comes with everything you need for a first babe. I love the black and the cute leather detailing.

  12. Snuggle Me Organic(similar): I promise you, you want to jump on the baby lounger train. I loved having a little lounger for baby that I could take anywhere in the house to set baby in. Another fun trick for snuggle me is to use a changing table sheet over it because it can be quick and easy to change instead of always having to clean the cover for accidents.

  13. WaterWipes: I won’t use anything but water wipes on my newborns! They wont dry out babies skin like traditional wipe because they are made with only water and don’t have an alcohol in them.

  14. Travel Sound Machine: I took this bad boy every where! The car, the store, parties and I swear it is why my babies would nap any where. It is rechargeable so you don’t have to worry about batteries. Also has so many different sounds so there is sure to be one that soothes your babe.

  15. Owlet Smart Sock and Camera: My owlet smart sock was the reason I could sleep in peace with a newborn baby. I was always anxious about baby breathing and this was a game changer for me with both my babes.

  16. ComoTomo Bottles: I wen’t through a million types of bottles until I found ones I loved and it ended up being these ComoTomo bottles. I breastfed both babies and felt like these were the easiest transition for them. They are also so easy to clean with the wide opening!

  17. Bottle Drying Rack: A bottle drying rack is the cleanest way to display drying bottles so you don’t have to worry about them retaining moisture and growing bacteria. I love that this one has different spot for each piece and doesn’t take up a ton of space.

  18. Large Cotton Burp Cloths: These extra large burp cloths are not only cute but work amazing and can clean up so much spit up! This 6-pack is such a great value. Make sure to grab a few packs because you will go through them quick with a newborn!

  19. Baby B’Jorn Bouncer: This Baby Björn bouncer has amazing reviews and the best part is it’s not an eye sore! You can get it in so many different great colors!

  20. Baby Grooming Kit: A baby grooming kit comes with all the little essentials you don’t realize you need until you need them! This kit comes in a cute little case to keep everything organized!

  21. Baby Nail Filer: It only took one time of my accidentally snipping my babies skin with the “infant safe” clippers for me to switch over to this nail filer. This is one thousand percent easier to use

  22. Zipper Footie Jammies: These cotton zipper jammies are so cute and simple and come in so many good colors. The are only $16 and have so many amazing reviews!

  23. Puj Baby Tub: This is by far a must have item for babies 0-6 moths. Bathing babies is hard enough because they are so tiny and slippery so I love this Puj tub that easily fits in the sink for easy bath time. It also can be store perfectly flat which is a huge plus!

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