Summer Mom Hacks — The Lovin Sisters
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Three sisters livin the prime life. Sharing our fav Amazon finds with all of you.

Summer Mom Hacks
  1. Reusable Water Balls: These Water balls are so amazing and perfect for summer time! Save the money and waste from water balloons and grab these! They can be used over and over again and are perfect for water fights in the backyard!

  2. EZ Bites Relief: I swear both me and my kids are prone to mosquito bites every summer. This bite relief tool is perfect for taking the itch away when you get bites. It’s also great to be used for removing slivers or stingers from bees!

  3. Retractable Makeup Brush: I promise this little brush will change your life! I always keep it in my beach/pool bag for easy sunscreen application! That way I don’t have to get it all over my hands and it spreads to much better on my kids!

  4. Mosquito Repellent Stickers: Like I said, our family gets the worst mosquito bites every summer. They must love our blood or something. We live close to the river so we get them so bad in our backyard. I grabbed these last week and they worked so good! I put them on my kids clothing and a few spot on the back patio and none of us got bit! So happy I found them!

  5. Kooleez Popsicle Holder: We love otter pop popsicles all summer long and never let the freezer run low. But, when it gets really hot they melt so quick and my little two year hates how cold they feel in his hands. These are perfect for keeping those popsicles frozen and somehow makes them a little less messy which is a major plus in my book!

Sectional Patio Furniture

Sectional Patio Furniture

 Meat Thermometer

Meat Thermometer
