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Three sisters livin the prime life. Sharing our fav Amazon finds with all of you.

Toddler Boy Gift Guide
  1. Magnetic Blocks: These blocks are so fun because they are made with magnets!

  2. Kids Grocery Cart: My little boys favorite gift is his grocery cart! He fills it up with toys and pushes it all around the house!

  3. Cleaning Toys Set: Every toddler loves doing what they see their parents do! This cleaning set is perfect for a little copy cat!

  4. Remote Car Set: So fun to play with for all family members!

  5. Wood Car Race Track: This car track will keep a little car lover entertained forever!

  6. Doodle Drawing Board: I love our doodle boards for something to do in the car and quiet time!

  7. Train Table: A train table is the perfect gift for a toddler boy!

  8. Wooden Car Puzzles: These puzzles are perfect to get those little brains working!

  9. Balance Bike: They say if you start them young enough on balance bikes they go straight to a bike with no training wheels!

  10. Dino Spike Game Toy: This is a fun toy for working with fine motor skills!

  11. Pikler Climbing Toy:: My little toddler boy is always needing to get out extra energy! This climbing cube pickler is perfect for busy little ones!

  12. Color Changing CARS: These coloring changing Pixar cars look so fun!

  13. Wooden Tool Bench: This wooden tool bench is so cute with so many fun tools and accessories and will look cute in your house!

Little Boy Gift Guide

Little Boy Gift Guide

Toddler Girl Gift Guide

Toddler Girl Gift Guide
