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Three sisters livin the prime life. Sharing our fav Amazon finds with all of you.

Little Boy Gift Guide
  1. Dino Race Track: Such a fun track that even glows in the dark!

  2. Reversible Activity Table: The perfect activity table that can be used for legos and switched around for crafts and coloring!

  3. Light Sabers: Light sabers are so fun and perfect for play with friends and siblings

  4. Adjustable Basketball Hoop: This hoop will grow with your little guy and can be used in or outdoors!

  5. Hero Mini Action Figures:: Give them every action hero in one set with these fun mini action figures.

  6. Stem Building Dinosaurs: These are like a different type of puzzle that will get your little ones brain working!

  7. Kids Helmet: If he’s getting a bike or scooter, a new helmet is a must!

  8. Digging Dino Eggs: This activity is so fun and something I have even had fun with when doing them with my kids!

  9. Walkie Talkies: Walkie Talkies bring back so many fun memories from childhood!

  10. Boys Pedal Bike: If he’s still on a balance bike, this Christmas is the perfect time to upgrade him to a big boy bike!

  11. Kids Play Couch: We have a couch similar to this and my kids love making forts out of these cushions!

  12. Lego Plane: This lego plane is so fun for a little lego lover!

Baby Gift Guide

Baby Gift Guide

Toddler Boy Gift Guide

Toddler Boy Gift Guide
