The Sunday Seven — The Lovin Sisters
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Three sisters livin the prime life. Sharing our fav Amazon finds with all of you.

The Sunday Seven

These swim goggles went viral this week and you guys bought literally thousands of these one click swim goggles! Grab a 2 pack for $14.99!

Ali’s glass pitcher is so cute and perfect for all your summer drinks. I bought this one and so did so many of you!!

This is not the first time I’ve seen the Watermelon Ball in our Sunday Seven. It’s the most fun pool toy! Bounch, dribble and pass underwater. 50% off! right now!!

Guys I had no clue so many people dealt with annoying warts on themselves and/or their children. This wartstick is practically like magic and was the only thing that got rid of my kids wart. I’m so excited for all of you that ordered this one!!

The Sun Bum products continue to be a top seller, but this Sun Bum Original SPF 45 Sunscreen Face Mist is hands down the winner and the most popular. I love this face mist so much. All Sun Bum is still buy one get one 50% off!

Right behind the face mist is the Sun Bum Original SPF 70. I love this one for my kids and it’s probably the sunscreen I go through the fastest.

It looks like lots of men will be getting a Ear and Nose Hair Trimmer for Father’s day today! It’s not too late to grab one if you haven’t already. It’s cordless, battery operated and 60% off making it only $10!!

Otter Pops

Otter Pops

Our Latest Amazon Purchases

Our Latest Amazon Purchases
