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Three sisters livin the prime life. Sharing our fav Amazon finds with all of you.

The Sunday Seven

1. 60 Air Heads

60 air heads for $7.98! Stock up for Halloween!

2. Softest Blanket

This double sided fur blanket is so comfy and cozy, and stays soft even after washing. Currently 13% off plus a 50% coupon to clip making it only $20!

3. Karaoke Microphone

This karaoke microphone is so fun for Christmas! Can play any song through blue tooth and even has a record option. Currently 21% off with a 30% coupon to clip!

4. Viral Ice Cream Scoop

THE BEST ICE CREAM SCOOP EVER! The perfect handle with a non slip grip, and the scoop makes the most perfect scoops! 61% offf, making it under $10!

5. Beat That Game

The perfect family/group game! Get it for the holidays why it’s 63% off!

6. Laser Hair Removal

Mikey loves this at-home laser hair removal device! Click the $40 coupon!

The very best advent calendar for princess lovers! Comes with 21 charms to make bracelets, necklaces, and rings!

Holiday Home Decor

Holiday Home Decor

The Sunday Seven

The Sunday Seven
