The Sunday Seven — The Lovin Sisters
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Three sisters livin the prime life. Sharing our fav Amazon finds with all of you.

The Sunday Seven

Wow these stacking rocks were a hot item this week! They’re such a cute and awesome toy especially for hand-eye coordination. The deal is still super good too. 18% off plus there’s a 30% coupon to clip too!

Allll the colors in these workout shorts are so good! And I love the cut and that they’re lined. No wonder they were super popular with you guys this week. 17% off!

None of us were messing around this week when it came to this cute Easter egg chalk! It always sells out and I didn’t want any of us to miss out.

These $19 sandals are always super popular every summer, so be sure to snag some now while they’re on sale! So many colors to choose from too.

Who doesn’t want whiter teeth?! And protecting your teeth while whitening them is super important. These strips are great for sensitive teeth and will protect your enamel too. There’s a $4 coupon you can clip right now!

Looks like I’m not the only one who needs to get my under sinks organized. These two tiered sliding organizers are going to make so much more room for all my crap!

This $4 multi stick can be used for allll the things! So creamy and blendable and can be used on cheeks, eyes and lips!

Washing Machine Cleaner

Washing Machine Cleaner

Telescoping Ladder

Telescoping Ladder
