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Three sisters livin the prime life. Sharing our fav Amazon finds with all of you.

Zarbee's Cough Syrup + Immune

I love the Zarabee brand and use it for all my kids. All these products are on sale today and a great one to stock up on. All of these are made with a special blend of dark honey to soothe your little one's coughs associated with hoarseness, dry throat, & irritants and zinc to support immune health.

Zarbee's Kids Cough + Immune Daytime here

Zarbee's Kids Cough + Immune Nighttime here

Zarabee’s Baby Cough syrup here

Zarbee's Elderberry Gummy Daily Immune Support here

Christmas Bubble Bath Bomb for Kids

Christmas Bubble Bath Bomb for Kids

Wearable Blanket hoodie

Wearable Blanket hoodie
