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Three sisters livin the prime life. Sharing our fav Amazon finds with all of you.

Parents/In-Laws Gift Guide
  1. Ancestry DNA - It’s fun for parents to see a breakdown of their genetics and ethnicity.

  2. Cornhole - We’re always gifting backyard games to my parents because that’s what we love to do together as a family.

  3. Apple Airtags - If your parents are anything like mine they’re constantly losing things and these Airtags are a great way to keep track of belongings.

  4. Blanket - Nothing beats a cozy blanket and this one is a super good price.

  5. Digital Picture Frame - A fun way for parents to have all their kids and grandkids on display.

  6. Kindle - A Kindle is a great idea for any parent who loves to read.

  7. Cuisinart Knife Set - We got this knife set for our parents last year and it’s such a good gift.

  8. Robot Vacuum - Robot vacuums are super nice for older parents who don’t have the energy to be vacuuming their whole house.

  9. Pickleball Paddles - Who isn’t into pickleball these days?!

  10. Yeti Soft Cooler - There’s no nicer cooler out there than Yeti and these soft smaller ones are nice for simple outings.

  11. Neck Massager - A nice, relaxing neck massager that is always very good looking.

  12. Apple Watch - If you have older parents or in laws the new Apple Watches have fall and crash detection and emergency SOS which is so nice!

  13. Promptly Autobiography Journal - An autobiography journal that helps guide telling their story. The perfect sentimental gift!

  14. Indoor Herb Garden - How fun is this indoor herb garden?!

Teen Girl Gift Guide

Teen Girl Gift Guide

Gift Guide For Him

Gift Guide For Him
